
Mom: Daria Witkowska
Baby: first son, third child Henry
Date of birth: 21-05-2020 homebirth in Mallorca
The Birth Coach support:: prenatal, birth doula and post natal support

She knew what I needed before I even knew.

I met An through her Pregnancy and Mum Circle, where she created an amazing platform of women supporting women. She organised a place where even I, a third time mum, found so beneficial and soothing. 

What is more, after first meeting, Iknew An is wonderful, and I wanted her to accompany me as a Doula during this special time. I was not wrong. She was the best doula from all I had and met. Asking her to help me was the best decision and present for me, my baby and my family. 

An was everything I dreamed of, supportive, soothing, knowledgeable, hard working and she knew what I needed even before I even knew. 

My whole family fell in love with her. An created an incredible environment to birth. Her postpartum advises and visits helped me to recover faster. 

Additionally, An played beautiful music and took photos that my whole family will treasure forever. We are so greateful. 

Mom: Viktoria Riba Schoeman
Baby: first son Noah
Date of birth: 11-09-2019, at Hospital Juaneda Miramar in Mallorca
The Birth Coach support:: prenatal, birth doula and post natal support

I believe every single woman should have a Doula

Having An as my Doula was the best decision ever made. 

After experiencing labour with her support (as well as my husband’s, with whom they formed a great supporting team) I believe every single woman should have a doula when at labour and especially her as she is just so naturally great at it.

She was extremely well prepared with techniques and tools that helped me through the journey.

Myself and my husband felt secure and comforted having her with us.

I will certainly have her with me once we decide on baby number 2

Most insightful & rewarding period of my life

My experience with An has truthfully been the most insightful and rewarding period of my life.

She is someone that you can trust on and rely on with any questions, thoughts or recommendations.

An catered and went above and beyond my expectations. She was very open and welcoming to my preferences for the big day and for that – it really made my experience very special and peaceful especially when my little one came out a month early which could’ve been stressful but was avoided.

An has a wealth of knowledge and I am so thankful that I can count on her with every question and ‘new parenting’ questions as well as ‘is this normal’ advice and receive a positive response before and post birth.

I would have never had a positive experience without An and would highly recommend her services to anyone.


Mom: Rachelle Kruger
Baby: first daughter Emory
Date of birth: 01-09-2019, at Inca hospital in Mallorca
The Birth Coach support:: prenatal, birth doula and post natal support

Mom: Tine Falkenberg
Baby: first daughter Savanna
Date of birth: 29-12-2018, at Son Llatzer hospital in Mallorca
The Birth Coach support:: prenatal, birth doula and post natal support

One of the best decisions I made

I was extremely grateful to have An along the way before, during and after my birth.

For the meetings before birth she did an amazing job preparing me practically, physically and emotionally.

During labor she was there with calm energy, massage, heat pillows etc. to make me as comfortable as possible as well as being a great support for my husband.

And after birth she came to the hospital and helped getting the breastfeeding going and answer all our questions.

It was absolutely one of the best decisions I made in my pregnancy to have An by my side!

Mom: Maya Flynn
Baby: first daughter India
Date of birth: 22-12-2018 at Hospital Juaneda Miramar, Mallorca
The Birth Coach support:: birth doula

Thanks to An’s calm and expert attitude

I had the most amazing labour experience. Initially I thought that a labour was just a job to be done but it turned into something very special – thanks to An’s calm and expert attitude.

It gave me a great sense of security and trust in the process. An did an amazing massage during contractions and corrected my breathing.

Overall, I did not want any anaesthesia because it all felt just right.

Thank you An for the unforgettable moments.

Mom: Nina Kohl
Baby: first son Nicolas
Date of birth: 15-12-2018 in Son Espases hostpiatl, Mallorca
The Birth Coach support:: birth doula

Highly professional support

I would love to say “many thanks” to you one more time ???

I hardly can imagine my labor without you – it would be probably a nightmare instead of outstanding experience ✨

What we’ve got with your essential, gentle and highly professional support ??♥️

Dad: Jaimes Richardson
Baby: first son Raoul
Date of birth: 24-10-2018, homebirth in Mallorca
The Birth Coach support:: prenatal, birth doula and post natal support

The amazing An

When my wife first told me about wanting a Doula, I had no idea what or who that was… Then I met An and I realized how needed she was for our homebirth.

I can best describe An as the modern day ‘Mary Poppins’ she had the right thing to say or do at the right time, and when things got very intense and intimate, in an environment that wasn’t a hunderd percent comfortable for me as a man, An made everything seem so normal and eased the atmosphere.

She knew exactly what my wife was going through and so in my eyes she was the best person we could have had to make our experience just perfect.

I am truly grateful for An and the valuable support she gave us before, during and after our son’s birth.

Mom: Holly Hampson
Baby: first son George
Date of birth: 07-09-2018 at Hospital Rotger, Mallorca
The Birth Coach support:: prenatal support

I would totally recommend An

She was super knowledgeable, friendly, kind and a great support to myself and my husband in the run up to my labour.

Everything she taught me made for a well informed birth experience and thus helped in taking away any fear.

Mom: Jaimy Van Iersel
Baby: second daughter Freya
Date of birth: 25-08-2018 at Son Llatzer Hospital, Mallorca
The Birth Coach support:: prenatal, birth doula and postnatal support

Dear An,

As I found out that I was pregnant with my second child, you introduced me to the possibility of having a Doula to assist me through pregnancy and during birth.

Just like with my first pregnancy, I was feeling very ill from the first weeks onwards and you truly took me into your care with all of your heart. You were there to support me, check in on me and advice me on what I could try to relieve some of the nausea. I took a lot of strength out of this care and I knew that you were going to be there for me to be of support at any time needed for the rest of my pregnancy and after that. As the first months passed and the sickness started to fade away you continuously kept advising me on my pregnancy; the developments of my little one, the changes in my body and the preparation of birth.

I sincerely did not realise how much more I could have enjoyed my 1st pregnancy and would have been prepared for birth with a Doula. It was in my last months that I needed you the most as completely against my own expectations, I got very nervous about giving birth again. With my first born my waters broke 19 days early and for that reason we went straight to the hospital so I did not experience having contractions at home, this was something I was very nervous about.

This time the first contractions started at home 11 days early. I called to tell you and straight away you managed to take away a lot of my nerves by talking to me in a very calm and understanding matter and by ensuring me that you would be there for me every step of the way. I endured the contractions for as long as I could and on Friday night the 24th of August I knew it was the real deal. I called you and a little while later you were at my house, supporting me – helping me – helping my husband and generally contributing into making the last hours at home peaceful.

You walked with me, held me through each and every contraction, massaged me and talked to me , making me feel strong and safe. After spending most of the night together at home, we decided around 04.30 am it was time to go to the hospital. Once we arrived in the hospital it turned out that due to your incredible assistance, I managed to stay at home until 7 cm dilation.

Our little girl Freya was born a healthy girl on Saturday the 25th of August at 11.45.

I would like to thank you for all of your continuous help, support, care and love An, as you have truly made a difference for all of us. I will personally never forget spending the night before labour together as I feel I formed a bond with you that will last forever.

I believe that what makes you an amazing Doula is all the heart and care you put into your job. Your guidance has been without judgement and prejudice and was completely formed around the needs of me and my family.

Thank you An, for everything.



Mom: Valerie Vervoort
Baby: second son Kilian
Date of birth: 21-04-2018 at St. Vincentius Hospital, Belgium
The Birth Coach support:: virtual support prenatal and postnatal and birth doula

An is a natural. She is the perfect doula one can have to assist in this wonderful life journey.

On the 21st of April, I gave birth to my second son, Kilian.  

It was an absolute dream delivery that could not have been any better, and this thanks to myself, my midwife and especially, my doula An. Giving birth under her guidance was a life experience hard to describe and impossible to forget. It sure made it a lot “easier”. 

My 1st delivery was very different. Yes, I did a lot of reading and I visited my midwifes several times before. I did a lot of prenatal yoga and exercises, so I was actually convinced my delivery would go super easy. I felt ready for the big moment.  

But when I gave birth, though my husband and 2 midwifes were present, I felt very lonely in the process. The hardest part was the active pushing.  

After 1,5 hours in all possible positions I did end up on the bed (which I did not want) and had a vacuum assisted delivery while 2 midwifes where pushing on my belly.  

But my 2nd delivery was very different. I did not need my husband being present this time and preferred him to stay with our oldest son. And I wanted it again as natural as possible but most importantly this time I really did not want to feel lonely. I read again a lot and realised what I had forgotten during my 1st delivery. 

The biggest difference this time was without any doubt having a doula.  

Yes, An lives in Mallorca and I in Belgium but despite the geographical distance she was with me. An gave me her knowledge and support the weeks prior to my delivery, through phone calls and messages. I could always reach her. I felt extremely supported. It gave me again the confidence I needed.  

“Yes”, I thought, “let’s try this again”. I was nervous and looking forward to the big day. And the universe gave me an amazing gift: my son waited to be born until An arrived in Belgium.

My water broke and I contacted An immediately. Not even two hours later I arrived at the hospital where An was already waiting for me: there was no time to first meet at home. I felt safer in the hospital and did not want to move when contractions where getting stronger. My midwife and An where there with me. Two women. 

An assisted me tremendously both psychologically and physically. This time my body felt which positions felt better. And in every position I could literally support on her. She also gave me suggestions when I needed them. I felt extremely comfortable and supported by her presence. An has such a good energy.  

Two hours later the time came to push. She knew already before they checked my dilation that it was time for the next level.  

I was on my hands and knees in the shower with An showering me gently until it was time to focus for the baby to come out. That was when I started to panic a bit. I remembered that last time I had to push 1,5 hours. An helped me to understand what to do, and how to do it. 

A couple of pushes later I had my son in my arms. An called my husband who was extremely surprised that our son, Kilian Alister Lawson was born already.  

The support of my doula did not end there. Oh no, there was much more support that I needed to succeed the breastfeeding this time. With my oldest son, I struggled a lot. I did not want to give up but I did not have the right guidance and advice. So not even two weeks after giving birth to my first son, I had to combine breastfeeding with formula feeding. It broke my heart and I felt very frustrated.

This time I experienced the same issues in the beginning but with her guidance and the one of my midwife, I succeeded. It was extremely hard and tiring in the beginning. An gave me all the advice I needed, but also the confidence and the faith, the strength and patience that was necessary.  

Now, 4 months later, I have this big healthy baby, all with mama’s milk. On top of that I could always contact her for other questions and doubts I had during the first months of my son. The geographical distance was no issue for us. An always felt and feels very near. 

There are no words to express the gratitude I feel towards her. She will always have a very special and unforgettable place in my heart. If one day I will have a third pregnancy and delivery, I will absolutely want her again at my side. 

Mom: Elizabeth Kyd
Baby: first son Gurian
Date of birth: 01-04-2018 at Inca Hospital, Mallorca
The Birth Coach support:: prenatal, birth doula and postnatal support

An was my Doula for the birth of my (first) son. From our first meeting I was really happy to have An on board.

She offered herself in all facets of the pregnancy from moral and emotional support to birth plans, translations and coming with me to medical/governmental appointments. I could ask her anything and
she would always come back with a professional answer. Even though An is not supposed to give medical advice, through her training and personal experience (she has two children) she could identify what I may be experiencing and offer helpful solutions.

When it came to labour, An was with my husband and I as soon as I contacted her. She spent the day with us, giving help and reassurance, helping us to get through a long day in the comfort of our own home…without her we would have been to the hospital far too early.

When it came to the birth An was amazing. Having her translating was huge, but also having her explain medical terminology in a way we could understand was very helpful and even more so was the reassurance and encouragement she gave. I was really lucky to have An and my husband in the delivery room encouraging me, and my husband also really appreciated having her giving him encouragement and reassurance in a very surreal and intense (and amazing and wonderful!) experience.

She also took photographs for us throughout the labour and delivery, which are very personal and precious and wonderful to have.

After the birth, An visited me everyday and was always checking in how I was going – asking if I had any questions or problems. She was able to help and assist me learning to breast feed as well as advice and help adapting to life with a newborn baby.

An is a very warm and friendly person. She does not pass judgement and has a manner that makes you feel comfortable with her presence and ask questions that you may usually be too embarrassed or uncomfortable asking someone.

I wholy recommend An as a Doula to anyone and everyone. Her help and presence on the journey of pregnancy to childbirth and after was priceless and my husband and I are happy to have shared such a special and personal journey with her.

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